Top Hat, White Tie and Tails — Fred Astaire

Top Hat, White Tie and Tails — Fred Astaire — Простые аккорды для гитары

A  Edim E7  Cdim          A   Edim E7
I'm         puttin' on my top hat,
Cdim  E7      A   Amaj7 D9  E7-9     E7       A   Amaj7 D9  E7-9
Tyin' up my white tie,     brushin' off my tails.
A  Edim E7  Cdim          A   Edim E7
I'm         dudin' up my shirt front,
Cdim    E7       A   Amaj7  D9  E7-9  E7      A
Puttin' in the shirt studs,    polishin' my nails.

A   G#m7      C#m     G#m7               C#m7    G#m7
I'm steppin'  out, my dear, to breathe an atmosphere
     C#m7   G#m7       C#m7    G#m7
That simply reeks with class;
F#m    C#m7      G#m7     C#m7    G#m7
And I trust that you'll excuse my dust
    B7     Bm7-5      E
When I step  on  the gas
D9 Bm7-5 E7-9  A  Edim E7  Cdim     E7      A  Edim E7
For I'll  be there,        puttin' down my top hat,
Cdim    E7       A   Amaj7  D9  E7-9   E7      A    D9  A6
Mussin' up my white tie,      dancin' in my tails.

Видео Top Hat, White Tie & Tails Fred Astaire, Top Hat