Deep Blue — George Harrison

Deep Blue — George Harrison — Простые аккорды для гитары

         C           F
When the sunshine is not enough
To make me feel bright
     F                       C
It's got me suffering in the darkness
       F                      Cm
That's so easy come by on the road side
   F                 C

Of one long lifetime
It's got me deep blue
             Ab       F
You know I'm deep blue
When you stand there, watch tired bodies
Full of sickness and pain
To show you just how helpless you really are
When you get down to the truth it hurts me
It's got me deep blue
You know I'm deep blue
When I think of the life I'm living
Pray God help me, give me your light
So I can love you and understand
This repetition that keeps me here
Feeling deep blue
It's got me deep blue
You know I'm deep blue
Cm   x35543
Ab   x66544

Видео George Harrison — "Deep Blue"